The African Okra

African Okra

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African Okra also known as  ladies‘ finger is one of the many African vegetables. It belongs to the same family as cotton and hibiscus, a delicacy in the West and South of Africa. Some of us love it while some do not because of it’s slimy texture and traditional believes. Okra as a different lingual name in most Africa countries, in Tanzania it’s called Bamia, dongodongo in Congo, and Ila in Yoruba language, the western part of Nigeria.

African okra plant grows as tall as 2metres with its hairy leaves. The pods consist of countless white seeds that look like pepper seeds. The exotic vegetable grows better in a warm climate, You can also grow it in a cold climate but needs extra preparation for it to survive.

Health benefit

 African okra is low in calories approximately 20 calories in a cup of 100gram okra. it is also rich in calcium, vitamin B, potassium, and vitamin C. It contains flavonoid antioxidants which helps our helps in digestion and assists in cutting back our hunger urges. It high fiber quality and antioxidant are believed to help diabetes by lowing the cholesterols. recommendable amount of okra in the diet helps to prolong the exercise routine and accelerates the discovery time.

The okra water and grounded seeds

To prepare African okra water, you have to cut the pods and soak in water overnight, the nutrients are then absorbed in the water. This is another way to gain the values in okra if you do not like the taste by eating, but don’t be surprised about the slightly bitter taste, just remember the various benefit that you gain when consumed. Okra seed can also be grounded, it should be dried before blending. If you find it time-consuming to process, you can save yourself the stress and buy from health food stores or online suppliers.

It is advisable to please speak with your doctor before going on any holistic ministrations as there is no medical research that supports the fact that okra is an organic cure for diabetics or any other diseases.


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The African Okra

African Okra also known as  ladies‘ finger is one of the many African vegetables. It belongs to the same family as cotton and hibiscus, a